Saturday, March 9, 2013

ABOUT ME........(@~@)

Name : Rawaida Binti Ab. Razak

Matric No : A10A157

Faculty, University : Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, University Malaysia Kelantan (Pengkalan Chepa).

Date of Birth : 11.12.1990

Place of Birth : Machang, Kelantan.

Area of study : Degree of Business and Entrepreneurship (Tourism)

Ambition : Be a successful women ( in every field of endeavor )

Evaluation of this assignment : 


Finally, i done my assignment...(@~@)

Through this assignment i gain a lot of information about the attractive places in this world that before this i don't know about the existing of that place.

A thousand thanks to Miss Raja Norliana Bt. Raja Omar, my lecture for this subject ( Travel & Tour Management). Your help is immeasureable.

I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense to gratitude to my freinds and my classmate for their valuable information and their constant encouragement without which this assignment would not be possible.


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