Sunday, March 3, 2013


Fairy Cave near Bau Town in Sarawak is one of the must place in Kuching, Sarawak. Especially if you're into nature and ecotourism, this limestone cave would really interest entrance fees, the only "price" you'll paying is the steep walk up stairways...
Opening times: everyday

Fairy Caves Bau, Kuching Sarawak - Cave Entrance
why they called this the Fairy Cave??

  • because in the cave that droplets of water from the caves roof drops on it's head and it is believed to be holy water. Eventually the point where the water drop is no longer directly on the Fairy Statue's head, but a few feet away. You'll also see figure of Guan Yin, which is a Chinese Goddess of Mercy, that is mystically formed on the rocks.
how to get there??

  • the Fairy Cave is located in the Bukit Kapor area. it was formed some 100-150 millions years ago.
  • Take the Batu Kawa-Tondong Highway towards Bau Town. When you reach the traffic lights near Bau, turn right and continue driving. The t-junction to Wind Caves is in the r 
  • There will be a mini mart just before the turning into Fairy Cave, you may want stop there  to get bottled water as there are no others stops after this. There are comfortable toilets made available at the base of Fairy Cave.     
Fairy Cave - cave mouth    

You will need about 2 hours to explore the Fairy Cave. Things to bring:
  1. water 
  2. torchlights
  3. towel
  4. mini first aid kit

Stalagmites and Stalactites
 In Fairy Cave you can:                                
  • learnt two new word about this cave is stalagmites and stalactites which occur in limestone caves.the stalactite is above, and hangs downwards like an icicle and the stalagmite is below and sticks up. they grow in pairs, they slightly acidic water dissolves some of the limestones, carrying it downward. 
  • hear the loud noises of Bath chirping (do bats chirp) and a strong smell of Bat dropping which are known as Guano, it sitting areas on corners of the caves.
  • At the Fairy Cave, you'll feel a nice cool breeze.

Rock Climbing
Fairy Cave area is also used for Rock Climbing and this spot can be found a few meters away from Cave Entrance.

Rock Climbing area
Rock Climbing area


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